With all of his added responsibilities as Speaker of the House, it is no longer practical for Kevin McCarthy to make such frequent trips to Mar-a-Lardo. By transplanting Trump’s rectum to Kevin’s face, such inconvenient travel is no longer necessary in order to smooch Donnie’s derrière. [click to continue…]

Google train wrecks, then click on images. You will not see pictures of every train wreck but you will see more pictures of train wrecks than enough. Train wrecks are not all that uncommon. We call them accidents but are they? [click to continue…]
In other words, ‘Fight Fire With Fire.’ They try to, “own the libs.” The response should be, “Own the Knuckledraggers.” It’s not a strategy to be proud of but it’s the only one that can pierce those thick skulls. [click to continue…]

Little Miss Marsha says abortion is murder. However, a guy that forces and pays for one of his girlfriends to have an abortion is worthy of her praise and support. Is that the old double standard raising its ugly head? No. Marsha’s only standards are getting rich, getting power and getting her over-ripe mug on television. That seems to be standards that are universal among Republican politicians. [click to continue…]

Tweedle Dumber and Tweed Dumbest own the two largest egos the Republican Party has to offer for the presidency and the two with the least justification for even having an ego. [click to continue…]

There is a simple solution to the madness and cruelty of the governors of Florida, Texas and Arizona. Arrest them and throw them in prison. There are federal laws that are applicable. How about kidnapping, transportation of minors across state lines. I’m certain that dutiful federal prosecutors have a few more up their sleeves. [click to continue…]

I obviously have too many things on my plate. My intention was to go live with this a few months ago but, for better or worse, it is finally cluttering up the Internet. Oh, did I forget to mention what I’m talking about? I’m talking about talking. My podcast is now available for your entertainment . . . maybe that’s not the right description of it. [click to continue…]

The Supreme Liars of the Extreme Court
Quite simply, everyone of the members of the court that voted to overturn Roe v Wade lied. They lied to get their jobs. Every senator except Susan Collins knew they were lying. They put the job above the majority of “We the People.” Political bias was involved. Ignorance played a major role. We are at the mercy of ignorant, merciless, lying political hacks. And why was the dumbest member in history selected to write the opinion? [click to continue…]

No, I am not referring to these two as sluts because of their gender. They share that honorary distinction with all of the Republican politicians and many of the Democratic ones. and not just those holding national offices. However, these two are especially interesting cases. [click to continue…]
Forcing your unwanted desires upon women is called rape.

Most of you likely think you are citizens of the United States. I apologize but it’s necessary for me to disabuse you of that mistake. Less than one percent of the population qualify as citizens. The rest of us, the rabble, are mere subjects. There is a difference . . . a major difference.
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