Give or Take

May 8, 2021

in Law,Politics

Stealing your vote

If you don’t have the authority to give something to someone, do you have the authority to take it from them?  It appears to be the time to address those lunatics in Texas, in Georgia, in Florida and all of the others, interfering with the rights of American citizens of legal age to vote.

If the vote can be taken from you, is it a right? If these politicians gain office by way of votes, how can they justify taking the franchise from the people who put them in their offices? Did those voters give them the right to take their rights? The vote is a right of every American citizen upon attaining the age of eighteen. The only exception of which i am aware is upon conviction of treason or sedition.

Politicians and others frequently proclaim this particular right to be the greatest right, the most fundamental right. Yet these enemies of the Constitution, of “We the People,” hold that right so lightly that it can be stolen without the consent of the affected citizenry.

Affected citizenry? We know that these efforts across the many states is a hasty reaction by incompetent, racist trolls as a result of having lost the Senate and Oval Office. We know at whom these laws are aimed but these “lawmakers” are  insufficiently familiar with the English language,  the Constitution, the laws, logic, math and reality to finely tune and focus their results. Their broad strokes will also interfere with the ability to vote of some percentage of the toadies that support them.

While it is possible to violate many aspects of the Constitution, that document itself contains few penalties or remedies for violations. That requires what is known as enabling statutes. Laws must be passed to provide for any penalties.


Okay. The following are some ideas as to what I wish to happen, not what I expect to occur. As an octogenarian, I am fully aware that while matters will improve for the general population, too little will develop during the time I have remaining. The oligarchs and their lackeys will continue a rearguard fight to maintain their illusions of being innately superior to the overwhelming majority of us. But, it will happen.

First, all of those hundreds of corporations, professional athletes, national media stars and other celebrities that have spoken out, need to fund massive recall petitions, both federal and state level. These need to be recalls of all elected officeholders at those levels. Make them all run again. If the fundraising and organization is as intense as it should be, we could expect significant changes in the composition of those legislative bodies.

Biden would be expected to support such an effort. Regardless of how one might feel about him, it would not be a good idea to change the occupant of that office. The domestic political turmoil would be such that there would be a great need for a stabilizing force, both domestically and internationally until the dust settles. Likewise, local governments will need to function, more or less normally.

Federal courts in every jurisdiction need to be petitioned for a staying order to keep any of these restrictive laws from being enforced until after the results of the plebiscite are final and the courts have ruled on their constitutionality.

Last but far from least would be the enabling legislation. It should require the removal from office, denial of the right to vote (a taste of their own medicine) and a period of real public service of any governmental official, at any level, who acts, promotes or recommends restricting, impeding or interfering with the right to vote of any citizen of legal age, excepting those convicted of treason, sedition or the suggested law.

As I admitted, this is unlikely to happen . More’s the pity.

The reach of this blog is too limited to make the necessary impact but anyone who wishes may link to this article, republish it or compose their own. A citation would be nice but not necessary. It would be nice if the corporations, celebrities, et al. were copied.

I’ll step down from the pulpit now

If you found this educational, edifying, interesting or otherwise worth your time, this geezer would appreciate a little supplement to those Social Security checks, They forgot to factor in the cost of publishing a blog. I would like to continue being able to afford my daily cup of coffee and pound of caviar.

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Thank you,

Crawford Harris.


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