You may need to take off your shoes to count the brain cells represented in this diverse pack of white men and Lindsey Graham. In counting how many are familiar with such qualities as integrity, a sense of decency or a familiarity with truth, you might as well put your shoes back on and add a pair of mittens. [click to continue…]
Who do you trust? As Russ Feingold shows in the article below, Brett Kavanaugh is a liar. The Senate committee will examine both him and his accuser. Who will they believe? Silly question. Okay, it’s a he said/she said scenario. But we know he is more than capable of lying. What about her? [click to continue…]
Everyone uses labels. Most even label themselves. The problem is that almost no one can define those labels correctly. Some, not all, but some economists can correctly define those common words. I have yet to find a political scientist that can accomplish that task. [click to continue…]
Here in Tennessee we have a problem. There is a candidate that thinks the position of governor is an entry-level job. This, even though Trump has proven that president is not an entry-level job.
Although the candidate for governor has not earned four bankruptcies, Trump also has proven that being a businessman doesn’t translate into the necessary skills for managing a government. [click to continue…]
Brett is a legal scholar and expert on a Constitution that appears unrelated to the one handed down by the Founding Fathers. I can think of only one other nominee as poorly qualified for the Supreme Court as Brett Kavanaugh. That would be Harriet Miers. [click to continue…]
The Clown-in-Chief wants to avoid facing criminal charges for his treason and other assorted crimes. He appointed the only one on the list of potential nominees that has written about that particular subject. Surprise! This toady agrees with that supreme legal scholar – The Donald, himself. [click to continue…]
Nothing that Trump shows us is authentic. He is a simpleton that inherited lots of money. His incessant boasting of his financial acumen is a sham. An index fund is a type of mutual fund. The portfolio is designed to match the market. It is an automatic, brainless bet. The people who follow such things agree that he would likely have greater wealth had he invested all of his inheritance in an index fund and spent all of his time on the golf course. [click to continue…]
Sure, there are a few things, racism, bullying and such where zero tolerance is appropriate. But, it should be obvious that those areas all concern not mistreating others. [click to continue…]
Trump, pure and simple, is a liar. In his recent driveway press scrum, he provably lied 19 times. His first year in office he provably lied more than 3,000 times. As a former math major, I think that qualifies him as a liar. [click to continue…]