Spam wasn’t a problem back in 1957, when I designed and built my first computer. It wasn’t a problem in the 1970s, when I programmed for Delta Air Lines. It wasn’t a problem in the 1980s, when I managed an HP, Victor and Wang dealership. But, it is now and has been for some time. So much for the news flash. [click to continue…]

The reluctance of NATO to widen putin’s war is quite understandable. That policy cannot be engraved in stone. That should be obvious to everyone, even the little putz whose fevered fantasy is the sole reason for this atrocity. [click to continue…]

How could anyone think that putin the putz actually intends to negotiate in good faith? Can anyone cite an agreement he has honored? Negotiation, by its very nature, would give each side something they want. So, it gives him some or all of what he wants. Should he be rewarded for his invasion? [click to continue…]

The first order of business is to use the correct name for the military action that is dominating the news. It is not the Ukrainian War. It is not the Invasion of the Ukraine. It is not the Russian attack on the Ukraine. It is the desire of one psychopath for fulfilling his anachronistic fantasy. It is, purely and simply, Putin’s War. [click to continue…]

Pictures from covers of The Guardian Weekly
Biden and the other NATO leaders screwed up. I fear the damage has already been done. One can hope that the situation is recoverable but their approaches to the crisis in the Ukraine have proven ineffective in the past and, so far, in the present. [click to continue…]

Why bother having a Constitution if the Congress, the president and the Supreme Court ignore it? I had just assumed that some among those 545 unworthies were literate. And I’ve never been accused of being an optimist. [click to continue…]

It seems impossible to avoid seeing heartrending stories of Afghanis who worked for us and their families desperately seeking a safe haven. If they pull off a miracle of getting to Kabul through territory controlled by the Taliban, they face a Kafkaesque American bureaucratic barrier. Actually, two. [click to continue…]

Just in case you harbored any doubts as to my opinion of the Orange Disaster, permit me to make that as unambiguous as the English language and my acquaintance with it allow. I see others on television and the Internet dealing with this in various ways. Some refuse to voice his name. Some resort to the scatological. I understand. I share their frustration. My hope is that this might be, to some degree, cathartic. Some have referred to him as the Orange Turd. I beg to differ. Orange Fart would be more apt. A fart is just as odiferous but without the substance of a turd. [click to continue…]

If you’ve hung round this blog long enough, you know that I’ve been involved with computers, off and on, since the 1950s. I have repented for ever having been a techie and am now just a user. This article is off-subject for for this blog but I thought I might be able to clear up a couple of matters on the upcoming appearance of Windows 11. No, it’s not technical. And, it’s short. [click to continue…]

Bought and paid for, this political prostitute refuses to support a bill that he co-sponsored. He is bipartisan all by his lonesome. He supposedly represents the people of West Virginia. Somehow, he accomplishes this by opposing a voting rights act supported by close to 80% of the people of that state. That, of course, is not what Charles Koch wants. [click to continue…]
Spam – I Prefer Hormel’s
April 27, 2022
in Whatever