You’re Sweet

February 17, 2010

in Health

This post touches on a few important issues but all revolve around corn.

The bulk of this post is a reprint of a article by Joseph Mercola, M.D. Following his remarks, I have just a couple of comments on the other issues about corn.

I’m guessing that you have seen some ads on television lately that are sponsored by the Corn Refiners Association. They have someone challenging another’s statement that HFCS is bad for you. Naturally, the lady is unable to support her claim. Her friend then pushes the idea that sugar is sugar.

I had heard that HFCS was bad for you but, as the person in the ad, I would not have been able to argue the point forcefully. Read this article and you will find it easy to refute the Judas Goat.

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Which Way?

February 10, 2010

in Economics

Today, speaking of the bonuses, Obama says, “I, like most of the American people, don’t begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free-market system.”

Not that long ago he was calling those bonuses obscene and shameful.

Which is it?

Larry Summers was in full support of anything that the Wall Street casinos wanted. Tuesday he was calling it the “bloated financial system” as he claimed to support Obama’s plan to develop strict regulatory controls.

Which is it?

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Stop It

February 6, 2010

in Politics

We need to send some senators to Guantanamo. They are far more dangerous to our country than any of the people already in residence there.

I’m certain you have at least heard the name of Christopher Bond, Senator from Missouri. You, however, may be forgiven for not recognizing Martha Johnson’s name.

Miss Martha was the President’s nominee to head up the General Services Administration. It’s difficult to think of a political appointment to a less political position. The GSA is primarily the nation’s landlord and maintenance arm. They do the grunt work so that government employees have a roof over their heads.

What connection is there between these two?

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Supreme Stupidity

January 25, 2010

in Law,Politics

Despite what some may think, I was not around for the Dred Scott decision. That aside, I had comforted myself that the Supremes could not make a worse ruling than the one that gave us Bush the lesser.

I was wrong, horribly so.

We are now the only developed country in the world that allows corporations to legally spend unlimited amounts to control the government. Aren’t we special?

Stay with me a couple of minutes. You will see how stupid and/or corrupt at least five of the Justices really are.

How did we get here and what needs to be done? It is simple but the ramifications cannot be overstated.

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Save US

January 23, 2010

in Economics

Why are we being punished for being good?

Have we weathered the economic meltdown? Have we survived? How are you doing? Is it over?

Unemployment continues to rise. Foreclosures continue to increase. Foreclosure rates are expected to increase. Small- and medium-size businesses still can’t borrow to expand or even purchase inventory. The Wall Street casinos are up but America is not.

Is it over? Obviously not. When will it be over? Don’t hold your breath.

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Here is something I stumbled upon that deserves attention.

Roger Lowenstein is the author. He states the case well and doesn’t need me to interpret for him.

His advice will likely go against everything you have been told on this subject. So, what? You were told that for someone else’s benefit.

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January 2, 2010

in Health,Politics

Your Thumb And Index Finger Are CoveredI‘m afraid we need to get back to basics. One would think that people understood insurance.

There are many valid complaints concerning “healthcare reform.” Those focused on insurance are not among them.

That doesn’t stop them from complaining. Some complain for political reasons. Others complain because they don’t understand what insurance is, how it works and what it is supposed to do.

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Pigs At The Trough

December 16, 2009

in My Seat,Politics

The Capitol Is Too Close To The TreasuryHave you heard? The economy is in the tank.

Have you heard? Unemployment is in the double digits.

Have you heard? Congress wants to give themselves a pay raise.

Your Congressman needs that money more than your piggy bank does. You would just spend it on something silly, such as food, shelter, clothing, medicine or some other essentials.

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Look At U.S.

December 10, 2009

in International

Omphaloskepsis - AKA Navel Gazing

By some quirk in my thought process, thinking about our involvement in Afghanistan brought to mind an encounter I had in Edinburgh.

Here in the U.S. we have been focused on the war in Afghanistan. In my recent post on General McChrystal I attempted to clarify some issues of that subject. There are, of course, a multitude of other aspects I did not cover.

Every intelligence report I have heard of puts the number of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan at about one hundred. This means that the authorized force level of 100,000 will give every al-Qaeda member 1,000 U.S. and NATO targets.

That’s our view. Actually, the problem of al-Qaeda is far more complex. Our American Exceptionalism, our self-absorption blinds us to many aspects of that problem.

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Math Challenged?Just what are the criteria for promotion in the Army? We have been hearing the name of General Stanley McChrystal a lot of late.

He is a Four-Star General in charge of NATO forces in Afghanistan. Now does his name ring a bell?

We have heard about his recommendation for an additional 40,000 troops. Seemingly forgotten is his original call, just this past Summer, for 80,000 additional troops.

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