What will Trump do? The answer is that he will try anything and everything he can think of to remain in the Oval Office. While he loves being president, even though he cares not for the actual job, he has more than one incentive. [click to continue…]
Senator David Perdue (R) – Georgia, is not known as the brightest, nicest or most honest of an impressively inept clique of politicians. That is likely what appealed to Trump, who used him to warm up the audience at a recent super-spreader for the president to endanger his loyal minions. How did he do? Well, although I would support him were he to depart public office, I wouldn’t recommend stand-up comedy as an alternative. Of course he has no need for further employment. Just one of his forays into insider trading enlarged his bank balance by perhaps $6 million. [click to continue…]

The late Carl Sagan famously referred to the Earth from this picture as the Pale Blue Dot. This picture was taken by Voyager 1 on Valentine’s Day in February of 1990. That’s more than 30 years ago, when most of those alive today had yet to be born. As pictured, the Earth is 3,7 billion miles away. It is now 13.2 billion miles away. Now, it is seen as a mere fraction of a pixel, if at all. [click to continue…]

How would you describe Trump voters? They can best be described as angry. Angry at what? Angry at who? The easy answer is everything and everyone. That’s niot very helpful though. We need a bit more detailed and focused perspective. That doesn’t mean it will help many of them begin to think rationally. [click to continue…]

Two Fake Christians. There is no need to explain how Trump displays his complete disassociation with Christianity. We know him. However, Amy Coney Barrett is a new arrival on the scene for most Americans. Permit me to introduce this judicial nightmare. As Trump might say, she’s a doozy. It’s just not in the way he means. [click to continue…]

Trump doesn’t care about Roe v. Wade. Trump doesn’t care the actual job of president. Trump doesn’t care about America. Trump just cares about the perks and prestige of the office — at least the prestige it used to have. [click to continue…]

Sometimes, while I’m slaving away at the keyboard (computer, not piano), I leave the television on a news program, primarily to keep reassuring myself that the rest of the world is still out there. On occasion something catches my ear. That was the case yesterday. I don’t recall his name but a retired army general was expressing his concern for the damage being done to the postal service by the president with an IQ that could be confused with his shoe size. [click to continue…]

The picture above was painted on a building near Fisk University, in Nashville. It was painted by my late step-son, Brad Wells. It is of W.E.B. DeBois. DuBois was graduated from Fisk and went on to become the first Black to earn a doctorate at Harvard. He was the only Black among the founders of the NAACP. He was an advocate. He was a hero. The article below was published by him in 1928. It deserves our attention. (The artist’s mother is pictured.) [click to continue…]

This is what he means by great? What shall I begin with? The economy? The virus? The gassing of American citizens exercising their 1st Amendment rights? The clownish behavior? The Stupidity? The ego? The lack of familiarity with the Constitution? The love and envy of dictators? The laziness (except for his thumbs)? The spurring of violence? The dregs of society nominated for responsible positions? Does AT&T’s fiber optics provide sufficient bandwidth to list the entirety of his malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance? Oops! How could I forget his adroit ability to handle a Bible; actually, I’m guessing that would extend to any book.
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Trump decries voter fraud. Well, he is speaking from first-hand knowledge of the subject. But, can we believe him? Can we believe anything he says? After all, those who are counting say that he has passed 18,000 lies since he took the oath of office. I’m thinking that act might also qualify. [click to continue…]