Spam wasn’t a problem back in 1957, when I designed and built my first computer. It wasn’t a problem in the 1970s, when I programmed for Delta Air Lines. It wasn’t a problem in the 1980s, when I managed an HP, Victor and Wang dealership. But, it is now and has been for some time. So much for the news flash.
I used to have a comment section that worked. Before long, the parasites and trolls found it and I was inundated with spam. It got to the point that moderating this site was taking too much of the most valuable. and limited, resource I have: time.
I shut down the comment section. Then, the problem was that I was not getting the feedback, positive and negative, that I needed. I tried to reactivate the comment section but something wasn’t right. I spent some time trying but wasn’t successful. That was a few years back. I was still feeling the need for the feedback. I recently mentioned it to a friend. He fixed it.
Some may wonder that, given my background with computers, why I didn’t or couldn’t fix it myself. My first computer worked only on calculus and trig. I was a lazy math major at that time. I had many friends as a ham radio operator who supplied lots of those vacuum tubes but it still wasn’t cost-effective.
My work in Assembler language on IBM 360s, the Big Iron, wasn’t of much use. After that stint with the computer dealership, there was a major career change . . . and then another. I repented of ever having been a techie. I let technology pass me by. I am now just a user.
I’m not a technophobic geezer but I ain’t quite up to date. Climbing up the learning curve on audio post wasn’t too bad but video editing is a major leap for this antebellum leftover (WWII, not Civil War). I’ll be going live with a podcast soon and then focus on some master classes and a YouTube channel, though that last one is problematical.
Anyway, the comments should be working now. I will have limited time to moderate it but I expect that, for the most part, the comments will consist primarily of praises and a thank you or two or hundreds.
I don’t have time for debating with those who disagree with me. I’ve earned the right to be the ‘grumpy old man.’ However, I do welcome nonargumentative questions and appreciate being notified of any errors of fact or logic. I don’t expect everyone to always agree with everything I post. If two of us agreed on everything, one of us would be unnecessary. If everyone agreed on everything, we could just pick someone at random for every government position.
I like free. Probably some of you do also. The projects I mentioned will stretch my Social Security check a bit but I don’t foresee too many corporations knocking on my door to financially support my perspective on them. I’m hopeful that a little voluntary support will permit me to continue. The raison d’être of the blog, the podcast, et alia, is to pass on some of my education and experience, before I pass on.
[wpedon id=”2927″]
Thank you,
Tagged as:
Air Lines,
Spam – I Prefer Hormel’s
April 27, 2022
in Whatever
I used to have a comment section that worked. Before long, the parasites and trolls found it and I was inundated with spam. It got to the point that moderating this site was taking too much of the most valuable. and limited, resource I have: time.
I shut down the comment section. Then, the problem was that I was not getting the feedback, positive and negative, that I needed. I tried to reactivate the comment section but something wasn’t right. I spent some time trying but wasn’t successful. That was a few years back. I was still feeling the need for the feedback. I recently mentioned it to a friend. He fixed it.
Some may wonder that, given my background with computers, why I didn’t or couldn’t fix it myself. My first computer worked only on calculus and trig. I was a lazy math major at that time. I had many friends as a ham radio operator who supplied lots of those vacuum tubes but it still wasn’t cost-effective.
My work in Assembler language on IBM 360s, the Big Iron, wasn’t of much use. After that stint with the computer dealership, there was a major career change . . . and then another. I repented of ever having been a techie. I let technology pass me by. I am now just a user.
I’m not a technophobic geezer but I ain’t quite up to date. Climbing up the learning curve on audio post wasn’t too bad but video editing is a major leap for this antebellum leftover (WWII, not Civil War). I’ll be going live with a podcast soon and then focus on some master classes and a YouTube channel, though that last one is problematical.
Anyway, the comments should be working now. I will have limited time to moderate it but I expect that, for the most part, the comments will consist primarily of praises and a thank you or two or hundreds.
I don’t have time for debating with those who disagree with me. I’ve earned the right to be the ‘grumpy old man.’ However, I do welcome nonargumentative questions and appreciate being notified of any errors of fact or logic. I don’t expect everyone to always agree with everything I post. If two of us agreed on everything, one of us would be unnecessary. If everyone agreed on everything, we could just pick someone at random for every government position.
I like free. Probably some of you do also. The projects I mentioned will stretch my Social Security check a bit but I don’t foresee too many corporations knocking on my door to financially support my perspective on them. I’m hopeful that a little voluntary support will permit me to continue. The raison d’être of the blog, the podcast, et alia, is to pass on some of my education and experience, before I pass on.
[wpedon id=”2927″]
Thank you,
Tagged as: Air Lines, assembler, audio, comment, computer, delta, feedback, geezer, HP, IBM, parasite, spam, technology, troll, video, Wang, youtube