
The Extreme Court

June 26, 2022

The Supreme Liars of the Extreme Court uite simply, everyone of the members of the court that voted to overturn Roe v Wade lied. They lied to get their jobs. Every senator except Susan Collins knew they were lying. They put the job above the majority of “We the People.” Political bias was involved. Ignorance […]

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Not a Good Idea

February 19, 2020

es, it’s me. And, yes, the article involves politics, economics, and even an international issue. Really? Pigs and chickens? Trust me. This is an important issue to you. And, no, it’s not about your diet.

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Spotting Trends

June 11, 2016

 hile we are all laughing at or crying about the political circus of this electoral cycle, significant changes are taking place. So, what’s new? After all, changes got us to this point. Those wishing to deny change began to change things a few years back. If I have to pick a starting point, Barry Goldwater’s […]

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Not The Only One

June 4, 2014

f London Bridge falls, it likely will have lots of company. Much of our infrastructure is approaching the ripe old age of eighty. How bad is it? They tell us that 63,000 bridges are structurally unsound. How are we supposed to get from here to there? At least we have a number . . . […]

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