
Luke 16:13

August 4, 2009

No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. The Biblical citation is also found, excepting one word, in Matthew 6:24. Matthew substitutes man for servant. Since the subject is public servants, I lean toward […]

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The Wrong Way

July 28, 2009

Someone recently asked me what the objections to single-payer are from those opposed. I’m glad they didn’t specify that it had to be rational objections. That would leave me searching for another topic. My job was made somewhat easier by a column in the New York Times by Randy Cohen, former writer for David Letterman. […]

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Yes We Can Save

July 8, 2009

You’ve heard all the good news coming out of Washington. al-PhARMA has generously offered to cut their theft by $80 billion over the next 10 years. The health insurance industry is promising to reduce their greed by 1.5% for the next 10 years. HCA and other the poor hospital corporations (ignore all of those construction […]

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Take Two Aspirin

June 20, 2009

The President has a headache. His healthcare reform is in trouble. He can’t even get a bipartisan agreement that Dr. Seuss ate green eggs and ham. Two noted health reporters, the Washington Post‘s Ezra Klein and Jonathan Cohn of The New Republic, this week had major articles marking the difficulties the President’s reform was running […]

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A New, Improved Slingshot

May 14, 2009

Time’s up. The Goliaths of our healthcare system have stepped over the line. They told us how intelligent they think we are. It didn’t sound like a compliment. They told Obama with a straight face that they had a plan to help him get the reform he wants. They had their fingers crossed. They are […]

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Odds And Ends

March 11, 2009

There are so many issues on which to comment that I can’t keep up. Each one deserves at least a book, as an antidote to all of the nonsense clogging up the airwaves, cable, the Internet and the dead tree media. Note: I have a special video treat for everyone staying to the end of […]

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Let Them Eat Cake

February 5, 2009

Have you watched television lately? A survey showed that the economic do-dos have received more than twice the air time on news shows as those who have advanced to at least the early 20th Century. Watching these twits I sometimes find myself laughing, until I remember how much power they have to screw up any […]

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An Assessment

February 4, 2009

My last post mentioned six people said to be under consideration to replace Tom Daschle as Obama’s nominee for HHS and maybe White House health honcho. I promised to find out how they stood on a single-payer system. Ed pushed me a little by reminding me of his laziness. This post should be considered no […]

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Bury Reagan

December 15, 2008

Many will consider this post sacrilegious. They are merely the deluded, the Kool-Aid drinkers. Reaganism has become a religion. Let me be the bearer of bad news. Reagan is dead. Every Republican candidate for president in the recent campaign tried to outdo his rivals in their claims to the mantle of St. Ronny. Now congressmen […]

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Greenspan Shrugged

October 24, 2008

Old Alan is quoted as saying, “I still do not fully understand why it happened.” Really? Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Poor old Alan, formerly the architect of America’s prosperity, is now the fall guy. There he was being grilled by Representative Henry Waxman and his crew. There he was being treated as just […]

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