
Not A Fan Of Ceilings

June 25, 2011

I am not a fan of ceilings. Well, at home is good. Maybe in most any building. But that’s not the kind that we have as the subject today. We’re talking about the debt ceiling of the federal government. It’s possible one or two people may not be as familiar with this issue as they […]

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Stupid Law

June 15, 2011

Everybody seems to have one, usually more than one. Yeah, you thought you knew what I was going to mention, until I said that usually it was more than one. Actually, you would have been close. Arms? Fingers? Toes? Televisions? Cars? No. I am not alluding to anything desirable or useful. I refer to idiots […]

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Have A Party

March 19, 2011

Why the Tea Party? Why the absence of civility, what my mother called good manners? It is the inevitable result of our devotion to various boneheaded ideologies. It makes no difference what the ideology is. It’s time we recovered from this childhood disease of devotion to ideologies. The incompetence of our politicians for the past […]

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The Untouchables

February 21, 2011

I went to search for some images of the untouchables of India.What appeared was almost entirely from the television show and the movie loosely based on Eliot Ness and his homies. Is it possible we aren’t all that aware of the rest of the world? The word untouchables is applied to the crew of Ness […]

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Ready, Aim, Misfire

January 23, 2011

Although I have never marched around dressed up funny with a bunch of weirdos, I have studied the Constitution. I find it amazing how people that haven’t displayed any particular education in or affiliation with government, history, law enforcement, responsibility, weapon use, constitutional law or the English language are convinced of their expertise on all […]

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Listen To Me

December 4, 2010

The revelations by Wikileaks point for me to a personal nexus. Because of this, I ask you to trust me; to trust my take on this entire brouhaha. It’s easy to go with the overwhelming push by the government, the media, the powers that be. If one side is all you have ever heard, it […]

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Fake Yodas

October 25, 2010

Have you ever acknowledged that there was something you didn’t know? Fortunately, it’s a problem I need seldom confront. I have a pet peeve. I constantly see politicians and others pontificate on issues as though they actually know what they are talking about. Given the certitude with which they deliver their dicta, one would think […]

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October 11, 2010

Have you ever been angry? Surely you have experienced it at least once. Would you consider that time of anger the optimal time for making consequential decisions? The two definitions of mad often get so close to each other that they actually become entangled. There may be occasions when that serves a purpose but probably […]

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The Wrong Idea

April 15, 2010

First, let me reiterate my detestation for all ideologies and labels. To the extent that I use them in this post, it seems necessary and is for the convenience of the reader. The imminent retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens highlights the problems caused by both. Stevens is commonly referred to as the most liberal […]

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Can We Cut A Few Strings?

March 22, 2010

It happens to everyone. My personal life and other commitments have intruded upon the time I have had to devote to this blog for the past few weeks. There has been an almost constant string of matters hitting me at an accelerated pace. There have been funerals and visiting friends in the hospital. That is […]

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