
Save Us From Patriots

March 10, 2010

Did someone revise the English dictionary while I wasn’t looking? Reading and watching the news is disconcerting and disorienting. Liz Cheney, a graduate of law school and self-proclaimed patriot, calls the Department of Justice the Department of Jihad. Why? Because seven attorneys in that department once represented terror suspects before the courts. This law school […]

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February 19, 2010

If you stay to the end of this post, you will see an offer you can’t refuse – no strings attached. My last post was about a health issue, not healthcare reform. Writing so frequently on healthcare reform and the economy has built up a tremendous reserve of frustration. I wanted to take a psychic […]

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Which Way?

February 10, 2010

Today, speaking of the bonuses, Obama says, “I, like most of the American people, don’t begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free-market system.” Not that long ago he was calling those bonuses obscene and shameful. Which is it? Larry Summers was in full support of anything that the Wall Street casinos […]

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Stop It

February 6, 2010

We need to send some senators to Guantanamo. They are far more dangerous to our country than any of the people already in residence there. I’m certain you have at least heard the name of Christopher Bond, Senator from Missouri. You, however, may be forgiven for not recognizing Martha Johnson’s name. Miss Martha was the […]

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Supreme Stupidity

January 25, 2010

Despite what some may think, I was not around for the Dred Scott decision. That aside, I had comforted myself that the Supremes could not make a worse ruling than the one that gave us Bush the lesser. I was wrong, horribly so. We are now the only developed country in the world that allows […]

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Clean The House

September 21, 2009

President Obama is a politician. He is a Constitutional expert but, by and large, he is a generalist. Being a Constitutional scholar comes in handy in the Congress and on the Supreme Court. It’s not necessarily a bad thing in the Oval Office but being a generalist can be a positive. It can also bring […]

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Punishing Ourselves

July 28, 2009

Few aspects of our society need more correction than the corrections system. For anyone unfamiliar with how I spend some of my recreational time, I do volunteer work in prisons with those suffering from mental illness. After a decade of such involvement I flatter myself that I have a better understanding of what goes on […]

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He Should Know Better

April 22, 2009

President Obama should know better. I am certain that he does know better. Did he forget that he was a professor of Constitutional Law? Did he forget the proper relationship of the Department of Justice to the Oval Office? The President has his own legal counsel just down the hallway in the West Wing. The […]

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You Don’t Know Me.

February 28, 2009

If you were the one who read my post entitled Upside Down, you may have noticed a commenter who shares my aversion to brevity. I mentioned that I had no intention of prolonging the discussion but he wrote back anyway. I was impressed by his total misjudgment of me, as well as how far off […]

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Mommie Dearest

October 3, 2008

How many mothers are there in this country? 50 million? 70 million? 90 million? Last night Joe Biden legitimized single fathers. It’s about time. Thank you, Joe. After the death of my first wife, I was a single father for nine years. I now hear a constant drumbeat that Sarah Palin is qualified for president […]

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