
Do You Want A Democracy?

October 7, 2009

Do you REALLY want a democracy? The healthcare reform farce we see in Congress is proof positive that we do not actually enjoy a democracy in the United States. Who is to blame? You and me. Who can bring back democracy? Only you and me. How, you ask. Well, that’s what I’m here for. I […]

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It Ain’t That Complicated

September 18, 2009

Change. Change? What change? How about some meaningful change? Three issues are at the top of the agenda. They share a commonality. They are healthcare, the economic crisis and the impending decision by the Supreme Court on Citizens United v. The Federal Election Commission. The commonality they share is the usurpation of power by corporations […]

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Mourning For America

August 10, 2009

America is the greatest country in the world. I grew up hearing that and I used to believe it. I still hear people saying it. Is it true? What did people mean when they made that claim? What does it mean now? Are people now just saying it out of habit? What criteria are they […]

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Loco Motive

January 15, 2009

Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power. Benito Mussolini Once upon a time I was in politics. That was long ago, when I was young. Well, younger. I was one of four councilmen but also Mayor Pro tem and, for a period, Acting Mayor. It […]

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Free Speech – In Remembrance

September 12, 2008

Sadly, I am old enough to remember the long ago, halcyon days when people were the only ones with the right of free speech. We reigned supreme, or thought we did. Just how much is your speech worth these days? It used to be one of our most important rights. It was a part of […]

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