
How To Lose

November 3, 2010

There are a few truisms in politics. It is obvious that the Democrats have yet to learn them. It appears necessary to take them back for a review of PoliSci 101. Any nationwide election is multifaceted. This one was especially so. That means both the mistakes and correctives are many. I can cover them all but most […]

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October 11, 2010

Have you ever been angry? Surely you have experienced it at least once. Would you consider that time of anger the optimal time for making consequential decisions? The two definitions of mad often get so close to each other that they actually become entangled. There may be occasions when that serves a purpose but probably […]

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Do It Yourself

July 1, 2010

No. I’m not talking about a do-it-yourself lobotomy. I am, however, speaking of something with about the same level of difficulty – taking control of the government away from the oligarchs, the career politicians and the corporations. That seems like a nice little project to keep us busy for a few weeks. Am I a committed […]

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Silly Suit

March 23, 2010

Thirteen states have filed a lawsuit claiming that the healthcare bill is unconstitutional. Will they win or are they just wasting taxpayers money in an attempt to look good to their political bases? If you guessed the later, you didn’t require anyone to read this to you. Given that we have five Supremes who can’t […]

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Which Way?

February 10, 2010

Today, speaking of the bonuses, Obama says, “I, like most of the American people, don’t begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free-market system.” Not that long ago he was calling those bonuses obscene and shameful. Which is it? Larry Summers was in full support of anything that the Wall Street casinos […]

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Stop It

February 6, 2010

We need to send some senators to Guantanamo. They are far more dangerous to our country than any of the people already in residence there. I’m certain you have at least heard the name of Christopher Bond, Senator from Missouri. You, however, may be forgiven for not recognizing Martha Johnson’s name. Miss Martha was the […]

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Alice In Washingtonland

August 18, 2009

In 1865 Lewis Carroll wrote a classic for children. However, the logic contained therein seems to be the basis for present political discourse. A firestorm was kicked up this past weekend by comments from Obama and Kathleen Sibelius. Has his “requirement” of a public option itself become an option, a dispensable element of a plan […]

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Let Them Eat Cake

February 5, 2009

Have you watched television lately? A survey showed that the economic do-dos have received more than twice the air time on news shows as those who have advanced to at least the early 20th Century. Watching these twits I sometimes find myself laughing, until I remember how much power they have to screw up any […]

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Gridlock – Political Ptomaine

August 29, 2008

Some of my friends see this election as an opportunity to do severe damage to the country. They don’t put it exactly that way. They don’t really see it that way but that is the almost certain result of what they wish for. These people have every expectation that the Republicans will experience significant losses […]

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