
Save US

January 23, 2010

Why are we being punished for being good? Have we weathered the economic meltdown? Have we survived? How are you doing? Is it over? Unemployment continues to rise. Foreclosures continue to increase. Foreclosure rates are expected to increase. Small- and medium-size businesses still can’t borrow to expand or even purchase inventory. The Wall Street casinos […]

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Pigs At The Trough

December 16, 2009

Have you heard? The economy is in the tank. Have you heard? Unemployment is in the double digits. Have you heard? Congress wants to give themselves a pay raise. Your Congressman needs that money more than your piggy bank does. You would just spend it on something silly, such as food, shelter, clothing, medicine or […]

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From My Armchair

December 2, 2009

In a very busy schedule I devote some time and effort to a blog for which I receive no monetary remuneration. Why? I have a degree of knowledge and experience in some of these areas. My intent is to share the resulting, hard won perceptions on matters I consider important. Others have different backgrounds and […]

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Explain Yourself

November 11, 2009

In her gentle and succinct manner, Cheryl took me to task for my last post. To quote, “Who are you and what have you done with Crawford.” I did respond in the comment area but felt the need to explain more fully. Her objection didn’t specify one aspect, so I intend to address each of […]

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Clean The House

September 21, 2009

President Obama is a politician. He is a Constitutional expert but, by and large, he is a generalist. Being a Constitutional scholar comes in handy in the Congress and on the Supreme Court. It’s not necessarily a bad thing in the Oval Office but being a generalist can be a positive. It can also bring […]

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It Ain’t That Complicated

September 18, 2009

Change. Change? What change? How about some meaningful change? Three issues are at the top of the agenda. They share a commonality. They are healthcare, the economic crisis and the impending decision by the Supreme Court on Citizens United v. The Federal Election Commission. The commonality they share is the usurpation of power by corporations […]

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Stupid Is As Stupid Does

July 20, 2009

We, as an electorate, apparently are not as astute as we would like to think when it comes to recognizing intelligence, or its polar opposite. The single-digit IQ of someone such as Senator Sessions is probably too obvious to warrant much more than a passing mention. Perhaps worth an extra moment’s attention is how ill-advised […]

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The Class War Is Lost

March 27, 2009

Did you even notice that there was a war going on? There has been a one-sided class war going on for decades. It is now over.  The elites won decisively. It’s really quite odd. Few of the poor and middle class realized it was happening. Most of the wealthy also were unaware of the war. […]

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The Dow-Jones Illusion

March 3, 2009

All bubbles will burst but debt will remain. People are prone to believing the illusion that the Dow-Jones numbers are a measure of wealth. Were you wealthy when the Dow was over 14,000? Has your wealth vanished? No and no. Your wealth hasn’t changed. Only the illusion that you were wealthy has disappeared.

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You Don’t Know Me.

February 28, 2009

If you were the one who read my post entitled Upside Down, you may have noticed a commenter who shares my aversion to brevity. I mentioned that I had no intention of prolonging the discussion but he wrote back anyway. I was impressed by his total misjudgment of me, as well as how far off […]

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