
The Wrong Lessons

November 5, 2010

The Democrats will learn the wrong lessons from the election. The Republicans will learn the wrong lessons from the election. How can I say that? Because of the truth embodied in the old saw, garbage in, garbage out. The bulk of the society has decided that what they want to be facts really are facts. […]

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Business Unusual

October 27, 2010

Here I offer you yet another one of my pet peeves. I seem to have a very full treasure trove of them but this ranks high on the list. Government should be run as a business, so they say. One of the problems is that they are so ignorant of government, and possibly of business […]

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Less Is Less

September 1, 2010

Perhaps you’ve heard people complain of the government being too big. It isn’t just that they think smaller government works better. Most express a hatred for the government – their government. They are fortunate not to get their wishes granted. Here is the word of the day for them. dystopia (noun) A vision of a […]

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The American Dream – Part 1

August 16, 2010

The American Dream touches many aspects of our lives. It does so in ways that may not be readily apparent. This is to be the first of a series, addressing those various aspects. I promise to hold your interest; at least intermittently. It affects your billfold, your lifestyle, your present, your future, your dream.

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Do It Yourself

July 1, 2010

No. I’m not talking about a do-it-yourself lobotomy. I am, however, speaking of something with about the same level of difficulty – taking control of the government away from the oligarchs, the career politicians and the corporations. That seems like a nice little project to keep us busy for a few weeks. Am I a committed […]

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Size Matters

April 23, 2010

Pew Research has come out with a new poll. I know it’s difficult to believe but people complain of big government. Only 22% feel that big government is acceptable. Would you like to be in that elite group? Would you care to guess where my sympathies lie? I would appreciate you reading this post and […]

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Get Rich, Not

December 30, 2008

So, you want to get rich. Surprise, surprise. The question is how do you get there. How much are you willing to gamble on your retirement? Everything? Half of everything? How lucky do you feel putting your children’s college funds at risk? Come on now. Be honest. How do you get rich? How do you […]

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Starting the My Seat Category

June 23, 2008

I hold strongly to my belief that politicians, appointees and employees of the government are public servants and should comport themselves accordingly. We far too frequently see politicians at all levels of government violating the public trust but trying to hold on to their position, their seat. I hope to develop this as a clearing […]

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