
Yes We Can Save

July 8, 2009

You’ve heard all the good news coming out of Washington. al-PhARMA has generously offered to cut their theft by $80 billion over the next 10 years. The health insurance industry is promising to reduce their greed by 1.5% for the next 10 years. HCA and other the poor hospital corporations (ignore all of those construction […]

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Yes, Virginia, There Is A Difference

June 18, 2009

The headlines say that 73% support a public option as a part of healthcare reform. That sounds good for advocates of reform. There is a problem though. Almost no one cheering this actually understands what a public option would be. There is also the question of a single-payer system. As one of the readers of […]

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Trust Me

April 20, 2009

Decisions, decisions. Uncle Sam or the Robber Barons, whom do you trust? Don’t answer too quickly. The crisis we face is far too dangerous for us to continue playing games. It is far too serious for us to base all of our decisions on myths. Capitalism, socialism, communism, mercantilism, all isms are juvenile attempts at […]

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Odds And Ends

March 11, 2009

There are so many issues on which to comment that I can’t keep up. Each one deserves at least a book, as an antidote to all of the nonsense clogging up the airwaves, cable, the Internet and the dead tree media. Note: I have a special video treat for everyone staying to the end of […]

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Ripping Off the Geezers

December 18, 2008

Once again lobbyists for the health insurance industry have gotten their way. It is impossible to miss or ignore all of the commercials on television touting the Medicare plus plans. They go by many different names but are basically plans that claim to offer seniors more services than traditional Medicare plans. They usually offer some […]

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Starting the Health Category

June 23, 2008

Involvement in mental health often draws my interest to broader issues in matters of health.

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