
Let Them Eat Cake

February 5, 2009

Have you watched television lately? A survey showed that the economic do-dos have received more than twice the air time on news shows as those who have advanced to at least the early 20th Century. Watching these twits I sometimes find myself laughing, until I remember how much power they have to screw up any […]

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An Assessment

February 4, 2009

My last post mentioned six people said to be under consideration to replace Tom Daschle as Obama’s nominee for HHS and maybe White House health honcho. I promised to find out how they stood on a single-payer system. Ed pushed me a little by reminding me of his laziness. This post should be considered no […]

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Daschle’s Dance Is Over

February 4, 2009

All of the talking heads are telling us what a great guy Tom Daschle is. I guess it depends on your perspective. I think Obama was generally being honest (at least as honest as can be expected in Washington) when he told us of his desire to keep lobbyists out of his administration. There are […]

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Ripping Off the Geezers

December 18, 2008

Once again lobbyists for the health insurance industry have gotten their way. It is impossible to miss or ignore all of the commercials on television touting the Medicare plus plans. They go by many different names but are basically plans that claim to offer seniors more services than traditional Medicare plans. They usually offer some […]

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Guess Again

November 17, 2008

Are you getting a little dizzy? I think Hank Paulson was sober at his little press conference but I could be mistaken. Sober or stoned, it doesn’t really matter. He will hold another press conference as soon as he hears another ‘solution.’ The ‘Smartest Man in Washington’ has changed his mind again. Of course that […]

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American Sunrise

November 5, 2008

We have before us the potential of America. We should not expect its full realization but we hope to see a substantial step forward. Before going any further, I must congratulate Senator John McCain for his concession speech. The campaign was not something of which to be proud but that speech went a long way […]

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The Worst is Yet to Come

November 5, 2008

We’ve been sitting around stunned by the financial crisis. What to do? We don’t trust the experts, and rightly so. They lurch from one answer to another. There is little confidence that they are doing anything more than thrashing around, grasping at straws. Actually, since their starting point is their religious belief in a simplistic […]

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What Hath God Wrought?

October 27, 2008

Perhaps I should begin with an apology to Samuel Morse for using his famous quotation as the title of this post. I really can’t blame God for the yo-yo to the left. All of my copies of the Bible contain a short, simple, easily understood statement. It can be found at 1 John 4:8. it […]

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Greenspan Shrugged

October 24, 2008

Old Alan is quoted as saying, “I still do not fully understand why it happened.” Really? Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Poor old Alan, formerly the architect of America’s prosperity, is now the fall guy. There he was being grilled by Representative Henry Waxman and his crew. There he was being treated as just […]

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Joe, the Wannabe Plumber

October 18, 2008

On David Letterman’s show Thursday night John McCain apologized to Joe the Plumber for destroying his privacy. That was nice. Out on the campaign trail the next day John McCain (yes, the very same one) went on a rant about how terrible it was that Barack Obama had violated Joe’s privacy. That wasn’t nice. Then […]

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