
Tinkle-Down Economics

October 17, 2008

Being laid up with bronchitis isn’t pleasant. Thousands of thoughts race through my mind. Although I haven’t fully recovered, I just couldn’t wait. The absurdity of our present situation is so obvious. The lack of understanding of why it happened is not. The only thing that has relieved my misery has been laughing at the […]

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Liar, Liar

October 7, 2008

How have they lied to thee? Let me count the ways. There may be a problem when I run out of fingers and toes. (memo to self: check w/Dan in re e) Well, an easy one is pork. McCain claims never to have voted for pork. True, he’s been a bit stingy in that regard […]

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Mommie Dearest

October 3, 2008

How many mothers are there in this country? 50 million? 70 million? 90 million? Last night Joe Biden legitimized single fathers. It’s about time. Thank you, Joe. After the death of my first wife, I was a single father for nine years. I now hear a constant drumbeat that Sarah Palin is qualified for president […]

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Stupidity Times Timidity

October 1, 2008

The Senate is scheduled to vote today on a slightly modified version of the bailout bill. They now prefer it to be called a rescue bill, as though that made it better or more honest. All of those calls Congress has been receiving are against bailing out Wall Street but favor rescuing Main Street. It […]

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Get Real

September 24, 2008

Well, here comes another defense of the indefensible. No. Not from me. It is the subject, the target of my post. I wish I could remember when I first found the limits, the real limits of ideology. Was it difficult? Since I did it so long ago, it probably wasn’t that deeply ingrained. I imagine […]

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Responding to the Financial 9-11

September 22, 2008

Did we learn anything from 9-11? Apparently not. Here we are in a financial 9-11 and everyone in Washington is reacting the same way. Is it possible that future candidates will wish they had refused to join the herd? Will they say that they voted for it but now are against it? All of a […]

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Not Your Daddy’s Oldsmobile

September 19, 2008

No. This isn’t a cut-and-paste from Car and Driver magazine. This is really about change in that strange and illogical world of economics. Oh well. I guess I just scared everyone off. Come on now. This is not only important but by reading this you will be several steps ahead of all of those professional […]

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Gridlock – Political Ptomaine

August 29, 2008

Some of my friends see this election as an opportunity to do severe damage to the country. They don’t put it exactly that way. They don’t really see it that way but that is the almost certain result of what they wish for. These people have every expectation that the Republicans will experience significant losses […]

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Beer For My Horses

August 8, 2008

Have you thought lately about how good it would be to lynch someone? Well, Toby Keith has. He thought it such a wonderful idea that he wrote a pro-lynching song. He doesn’t just quit there. He made an unintentionally funny video about it. But first, here are the lyrics:

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