
Political Tools

August 1, 2008

We are fortunate to have so many different tools, even though some of us are fairly inept in applying them correctly. With so many different tools, we would laugh at one who insisted on using a hammer, regardless of the situation. We would, likewise, be amused at someone applying only a screwdriver when other tools […]

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Democracy or Republic?

July 11, 2008

Having been a politician, the addiction never goes away. The interest remains even though what you see continually sickens. My intensity of interest may account for the fact that matters which go unnoticed by others cause a ‘fingernails on the blackboard’ reaction in me. It is, therefore, perhaps my sensitivity to the question that makes […]

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Starting the My Seat Category

June 23, 2008

I hold strongly to my belief that politicians, appointees and employees of the government are public servants and should comport themselves accordingly. We far too frequently see politicians at all levels of government violating the public trust but trying to hold on to their position, their seat. I hope to develop this as a clearing […]

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