
Enough Already

September 29, 2016

  emember, it would be difficult to find many people that detest both Hillary and Donald more than do I. In addition to my disdain, I am desperately concerned for the future of this country, indeed the entire planet, should the maniac get control of the Supreme Court, the economy, education, the military and access […]

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Totally Lacking Judgment

September 16, 2016

ow obvious can Donald Trump’s lack of judgment can be? Total. For years he has famously led the tin hats of the conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Kenya. His reluctance to admit that his claims were a fraud were understandable. It has been the ‘red meat’ that was the appeal to the racists […]

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Trump: The Dangerous Clown

September 14, 2016

ow best to describe Donald Trump? A more naive Neville Chamberlain? A deluded man-child with too much money? A symbol of national lunacy? The result of the plutocracy win? Republican diaper rash from refusal to clean up their act? Why would you not want to vote for Donald Trump? Keith Olbermann is back, (on GQ’s […]

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Wall Street Walkers

June 8, 2016

he Democratic National Committee (DNC) is home to the world’s most expensive prostitutes. Its members get the treats for turning tricks but you and I are the ones that are paying for it. Below is an article by Bill Moyers and Michael Winship. Neither they nor I wish to see Trump in the Oval Office, […]

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Looking In the Wrong Direction

May 8, 2016

oving, a few necessary trips and scheduling a few more joint replacements, added to trying to do sufficient research for the books I’m working on, don’t leave much time for this blog. You likely aren’t too disappointed on the occasions I find a substitute to expound on an important issue. Here’s another such time. This […]

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Bill Clinton Lies . . . Naturally

April 9, 2016

he Clintons appear very comfortable doing their part for those struggling with Bill’s welfare reform. That reform is still working its wonders, by kicking nearly one million people off of food stamps this year – yes, in 2016. That’s one of Bill’s policies that Hillary touts. In my previous post I demonstrated that the Clintons […]

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Burning Bridges

April 7, 2016

ew politicians have the skills of Bill Clinton. Hillary is not one of them. She often seems stiff, programmed or shrill. Now, Ms. Inevitable seems to be panicking. Most of her insults and lies have been artfully crafted. Now they reek of frustration and are coming with greater frequency. It is to the point that she […]

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Says Who?

September 1, 2015

f you have a large amount of debt, cut expenses; tighten your belt. Who says? Says the people who want to screw you again – and make you pay for it again. True, there are others saying the same thing but they are either the toadies of the above parasites or the gullible, touting the […]

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March 21, 2015

hey could go by many names. The 47 clowns. The 47 idiots. The 47 racists. The 47 bozos. The 47 incompetents. The 47 nincompoops. Take your choice. Or, I would suggest we refer to them at The Illegals. It’s appropriate.

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Will Holder Act on the Logan Act?

March 16, 2015

hen federal law is violated, it is the responsibility of the  Attorney General to indict those violating the law. That seems simple enough. There should be no question. But, will Eric Holder indict the 47 senators scofflaws that, in their contempt for the Constitution, the law, the president and the nation, arrogantly demonstrated their ignorance […]

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