
Cowards, Traitors and Idiots

March 11, 2015

ere I was, all ready to write letters of thanks to the two senators from my home state. Silly me. Why would I even contemplate such an uncharacteristic act? I saw where Senators Coker and Lamar Alexander were among the seven Republican members of the Senate that did not sign the outrageous letter to the […]

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Oh What A Tangled Web

November 15, 2014

  was sitting on a Delta flight out of Atlanta with Governor Jimmy Carter and Jody Powell. It was January 1976, two weeks before the Iowa caucuses. Jody briefly explained Ham Jordan’s campaign strategy. It was masterful. I saw the future. Governor Carter would be President Carter. I jumped aboard the bandwagon. The Governor asked […]

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Boot The Freeloaders

November 11, 2014

he Republicans say the poor are not carrying their share of the load. They say they don’t pay taxes. Actually, they pay a greater percentage of their income than does Myth Romney or most of his fellow plutocrats. Most of the poor have jobs. Many have more than one job but are still poor. They […]

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August 28, 2014

have lately been deluged with requests for donations from various groups. These groups, various organizations of the Democratic Party and several devoted to specific causes, including gun control, veterans, the environment, immigrants and the similarly oriented, badger me constantly. They ask for a signature on a petition. Then comes the beg. The majority leader of […]

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God Is Hate

April 20, 2014

eally? God is hate? If you believe that these Republican leaders and their toadies are Christians, then one can draw no other conclusion. As a child I heard that people fear what they do not understand. It appears that Republicans have conflated fear with hate. It is the easiest strategy for appealing to bigots, racists, […]

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The Differences?

April 5, 2014

Afghanistan Conservatives’ Goals = American Republicans’ Goals here are two areas where I find the lines blurred. One is in the national/international arena. The other is closer to home. You likely have heard about the first ones. I hope you have been spared the later.

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The Church, Inc.

March 31, 2014

ou remember Mitt Romney. He’s the one that believes that when he dies he will become the god of his own planet. (See the Book of Mormon Jokes.) More importantly, he believes, as he said, “Corporations are people, my friend.” Two down . . . and as little Ricky Perry, I can’t remember the third. Before […]

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Crude Ted

March 21, 2013

hat have we done to merit this abomination? That raucous noise coming out of the District of late is from what appears to be the latest Joe McCarthy wannabe. Calling those with whom you disagree communist and such will earn you that distinctive reputation. Teddy Cruz is the new senator from Texas. That explains a […]

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What States Rights?

October 21, 2012

o you see anything wrong in the graphic? It’s right there in your face; perhaps too obvious. It’s a political statement by someone who considers himself a super patriot. Some untutored person quite inappropriately has attached the words “States Rights” to a picture of the Constitution. Untutored? Inappropriate? Sadly.

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An Act of Error

October 18, 2012

veryone knows what terrorism is, right? Obviously not. I watched a couple of news shows. One has an interview with Senator John McCain. The following show had an interview with another Republican. Both are criticizing the president, subsequent to the second debate. Both are referring to the killings in Libya as acts of terrorism. Both […]

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