
Cut Everything

October 13, 2012

nake oil salesmen are no longer tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail. Now they become Republican congressmen or presidential candidates. Their present-day scam is tax cuts, a miracle cure-all. Tax cuts. Oh, it sounds so good. But, is it? The seductive, siren call was injected into the recent vice presidential debate. […]

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Words Fail Me

August 2, 2012

ords may fail me but seem never to have failed that master polemicist, Gore Vidal. It’s difficult to consider oneself a writer whenever one reads a titan such as he. It does, however, give one a truer perspective. In light of our relative literary strengths, I will rely for the greater part of this small […]

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No Love Lost

February 20, 2012

t’s true. If you mix religion and politics, you get politics. Perhaps it was only a coincidence. Perhaps it was the recent emergence of that voice of the 12th Century, Rick Santorum. Whatever is was, something spurred the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to declare war on the administration. Perhaps it was coordinated. Perhaps not. […]

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I Know Nothing

November 21, 2011

There are some things that everyone knows but many refuse to admit. Then there are the cretins that have a critical gene missing that would allow them to absorb truth. Fox doesn’t just make the occasional error. Their coverage on every subject, even those that might be considered non-political, is riddled with what might be […]

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They Are Wrong

August 11, 2011

on’t listen. They are all saying the same thing, so it must be wrong. There aren’t that many intelligent people in finance, politics and the media. We are assured that the crash of the stock market is the result of our massive debt. Really? The market, whose computers are among the fastest in the world, […]

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Worry Not

July 14, 2011

Yes, I’m back from vacation. I know. You didn’t even realize I was gone. Well, it wasn’t really a vacation. It was 9 days at Fall Creek Falls State Park with about 70 of my wife’s relatives. No it wasn’t as bad as it sounds. Actually there is a little good came about while I […]

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The Book Of Jobs

June 11, 2011

Maybe not you, maybe not me, but tens of millions of people need jobs. It’s not just them that suffer from the lack of a job. Most have families. It isn’t even limited to them. It affects the entire economy. That means it affects you and me. Foreclosures mean the Great Recession lasts longer. More […]

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Help US

April 16, 2011

We all agree. Everyone thinks that the government’s primary responsibility is to help us. Well, at least some of us. The problem is that we don’t agree on who the government should help. Some say help those who need help. That’s just silly. It’s the upstanding parasitic plutocrats who will create a few more jobs […]

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Have A Party

March 19, 2011

Why the Tea Party? Why the absence of civility, what my mother called good manners? It is the inevitable result of our devotion to various boneheaded ideologies. It makes no difference what the ideology is. It’s time we recovered from this childhood disease of devotion to ideologies. The incompetence of our politicians for the past […]

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Left Out

January 4, 2011

I have been so otherwise engaged these past few weeks that much of my usual reading has been thrown in a pile. I watched an interview this morning with Chrystia Freeland. It concerned her newest article in The Atlantic. I will get to it. That is one of the magazines in my pile. According to […]

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