
Alice In Washingtonland

August 18, 2009

In 1865 Lewis Carroll wrote a classic for children. However, the logic contained therein seems to be the basis for present political discourse. A firestorm was kicked up this past weekend by comments from Obama and Kathleen Sibelius. Has his “requirement” of a public option itself become an option, a dispensable element of a plan […]

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Switching Parties

April 29, 2009

I admit that I was caught off guard. Hearing Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, recently invoking secession came as no real surprise. Hearing that he has switched parties was truly unexpected. It was startling. Little Ricky, a true regressive ideologue, has changed from Texas Republican to, wait for it . . . socialist.

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Say What?

September 25, 2008

Sometimes you wonder if certain people are familiar with the Mother Tongue. Few politicians, at least since Adlai Stevenson, have been fully literate. So, we cut them some slack. Despite their profession, either most of the media share the same disadvantage or they are exceptionally forgiving to their partners in crime. Given the quality and […]

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Gridlock – Political Ptomaine

August 29, 2008

Some of my friends see this election as an opportunity to do severe damage to the country. They don’t put it exactly that way. They don’t really see it that way but that is the almost certain result of what they wish for. These people have every expectation that the Republicans will experience significant losses […]

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