
Quack, Quack

November 16, 2009

You have been sold down the river. So have we all. We need to differentiate between healthcare reform and tinkering with health insurance. Yes, there is a difference. The entire burlesque these past few months has revolved around the tinkering. A handful of congressmen offered HR 676, Medicare-For-All. That represents reform. All of the rest […]

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One Possible Scenario

October 5, 2009

This is not a prediction. It is only what I see as an optimistic scenario. What’s going to happen with healthcare reform in Congress? Your guess is as good as mine. Because there is no leadership, no one knows what the outcome will be. We do know a few things, however. Since it was given […]

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Clean The House

September 21, 2009

President Obama is a politician. He is a Constitutional expert but, by and large, he is a generalist. Being a Constitutional scholar comes in handy in the Congress and on the Supreme Court. It’s not necessarily a bad thing in the Oval Office but being a generalist can be a positive. It can also bring […]

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Alice In Washingtonland

August 18, 2009

In 1865 Lewis Carroll wrote a classic for children. However, the logic contained therein seems to be the basis for present political discourse. A firestorm was kicked up this past weekend by comments from Obama and Kathleen Sibelius. Has his “requirement” of a public option itself become an option, a dispensable element of a plan […]

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Drip, Redux

August 13, 2009

A few of us are unfortunate enough to be able to remember the decade of the 1950s. I’ll refrain from naming names. But, I will if I have to. There was a major scare back in that strange, misbegotten decade. The “Bomb,” of course. No. Even scarier. The Communists had an even more devious plot […]

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What’s The Difference?

August 7, 2009

What’s the difference? Well, they are both smiling. They are both wearing suits and ties. They are both using the flag to make people think they care about America. Neither gives a damn about their constituents. Among the differences is the fact that one is a Senator; the other is a former member of the […]

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It’s Time

July 30, 2009

It’s been more than two weeks. Both e-mail and telephone contacts have failed to elicit any response. So far, my offers to debate my congressman during the August recess have gone unanswered. It’s  possible you have heard the term Blue Dog Democrat. This is used to identify a group of congressmen who in the past […]

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Stupid Is As Stupid Does

July 20, 2009

We, as an electorate, apparently are not as astute as we would like to think when it comes to recognizing intelligence, or its polar opposite. The single-digit IQ of someone such as Senator Sessions is probably too obvious to warrant much more than a passing mention. Perhaps worth an extra moment’s attention is how ill-advised […]

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July 15, 2009

Guess what the most important issue in Washington is. Healthcare reform? Wrong. I just saw a news bulletin. The House Democrats have produced HR II, their 1,018 page version of healthcare reform. Well, now, not exactly. So, what, exactly?

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Bait And Switch

July 3, 2009

Apparently lots of people are as gullible as Charlie Brown. How many of you remember the New York Times‘ poll last month? The exact question was, “Would you favor or oppose the government’s offering everyone a government-administered health-insurance plan like Medicare that would compete with private health insurance plans?” Seventy-two percent favored such a plan. […]

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