
Putting The Pieces Together

June 24, 2009

I‘ve written extensively about healthcare reform. Those postings are full of numbers, arguments, observations and such. If your Alzheimer’s is temporarily predominant and you need some refreshing of those details, read or reread some of those articles. This post, based largely on those articles, is just to put all of the various options together in […]

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Take Two Aspirin

June 20, 2009

The President has a headache. His healthcare reform is in trouble. He can’t even get a bipartisan agreement that Dr. Seuss ate green eggs and ham. Two noted health reporters, the Washington Post‘s Ezra Klein and Jonathan Cohn of The New Republic, this week had major articles marking the difficulties the President’s reform was running […]

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A New, Improved Slingshot

May 14, 2009

Time’s up. The Goliaths of our healthcare system have stepped over the line. They told us how intelligent they think we are. It didn’t sound like a compliment. They told Obama with a straight face that they had a plan to help him get the reform he wants. They had their fingers crossed. They are […]

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Own Your Own Senator

May 11, 2009

Senator Max Baucus (D-Montana) is Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. The committee has 23 members. Senator Max, as the boss man, has a very high price tag. He has received more money from the healthcare industry than any other Democrat. You don’t want to know how much the entire committee raked in. After all, […]

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Daschle’s Dance Is Over

February 4, 2009

All of the talking heads are telling us what a great guy Tom Daschle is. I guess it depends on your perspective. I think Obama was generally being honest (at least as honest as can be expected in Washington) when he told us of his desire to keep lobbyists out of his administration. There are […]

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What’s Good for General Motors

December 12, 2008

I‘ve heard all of the arguments for the Big 3 going the bankruptcy route. They seem to be ignoring a few facts. First, let’s ignore all of those to whom ideological purity is more important than the economic health of the country. Our economic health has a direct effect on our national security, our perceived […]

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Get Real

September 24, 2008

Well, here comes another defense of the indefensible. No. Not from me. It is the subject, the target of my post. I wish I could remember when I first found the limits, the real limits of ideology. Was it difficult? Since I did it so long ago, it probably wasn’t that deeply ingrained. I imagine […]

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The Greatest Taboo

September 6, 2008

What I am about to do is so heinous I can expect no forgiveness. It is the unpardonable sin. I am going to make the outrageous claim that being a POW neither qualifies one for the Oval Office nor excuses being a liar. That may be too harsh. Maybe being a POW somehow causes someone […]

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Starting the My Seat Category

June 23, 2008

I hold strongly to my belief that politicians, appointees and employees of the government are public servants and should comport themselves accordingly. We far too frequently see politicians at all levels of government violating the public trust but trying to hold on to their position, their seat. I hope to develop this as a clearing […]

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Starting the Politics Category

June 23, 2008

Although it has been more than 30 years since I held public office and sincerely recanted ever having been a politician, it is the most addictive substance known to humankind. I have been totally incapable of ignoring it.

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