
Size Matters

April 23, 2010

Pew Research has come out with a new poll. I know it’s difficult to believe but people complain of big government. Only 22% feel that big government is acceptable. Would you like to be in that elite group? Would you care to guess where my sympathies lie? I would appreciate you reading this post and […]

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Good Taxes

March 29, 2010

Yeah, I know. There isn’t such a thing as a good tax. Well, maybe there is. Let’s think about it for a moment. As illustrated by the graphic, Wall Street got a huge tax break. Actually, they got a lot of our tax money. That in addition to several reams of tax breaks, subsidies and […]

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Silly Suit

March 23, 2010

Thirteen states have filed a lawsuit claiming that the healthcare bill is unconstitutional. Will they win or are they just wasting taxpayers money in an attempt to look good to their political bases? If you guessed the later, you didn’t require anyone to read this to you. Given that we have five Supremes who can’t […]

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Blackboard Bungle

March 13, 2010

This is a subject that I wanted to post on but found someone who has already done it in a much more entertaining manner. Bill Maher periodically offers his “New Rules.” I have provided this one unedited for your edification. A school board in Rhode Island just fired all of the teachers at a school […]

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Punishing Ourselves

July 28, 2009

Few aspects of our society need more correction than the corrections system. For anyone unfamiliar with how I spend some of my recreational time, I do volunteer work in prisons with those suffering from mental illness. After a decade of such involvement I flatter myself that I have a better understanding of what goes on […]

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The Costs Of Bipartisanship

April 27, 2009

Bipartisanship sounds like an admirable quality. Is it? When Obama wanted some Regressive Senators to sign on to his stimulus bill he had to make some deals. One of the deals was with Susan Collins. She thought $780 million for pandemic control was better spent on tax cuts. Obama caved in the name of bipartisanship. […]

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You Don’t Know Me.

February 28, 2009

If you were the one who read my post entitled Upside Down, you may have noticed a commenter who shares my aversion to brevity. I mentioned that I had no intention of prolonging the discussion but he wrote back anyway. I was impressed by his total misjudgment of me, as well as how far off […]

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How Lucky Can We Get?

February 27, 2009

Someone asked me a question this morning in the locker room of the YMCA. As I was responding, someone else chimed in that the cause of all of our economic problems was that FDR had abandoned the gold standard. I tried to come up with as humorous a retort as I could that early. It […]

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Let Them Eat Cake

February 5, 2009

Have you watched television lately? A survey showed that the economic do-dos have received more than twice the air time on news shows as those who have advanced to at least the early 20th Century. Watching these twits I sometimes find myself laughing, until I remember how much power they have to screw up any […]

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Daschle’s Dance Is Over

February 4, 2009

All of the talking heads are telling us what a great guy Tom Daschle is. I guess it depends on your perspective. I think Obama was generally being honest (at least as honest as can be expected in Washington) when he told us of his desire to keep lobbyists out of his administration. There are […]

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