
GOP Missed The HMS Beagle

February 2, 2009

Do something. If it doesn’t work, do something else. No idea is too crazy. Jim Hightower There are social conservatives. There are national security conservatives. There are fiscal conservatives. There are ideologues who call themselves conservative but are really either lemmings or traitors. For those who might not remember everything they learned in their ninth-grade […]

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One For All

January 5, 2009

Go ahead. Everyone who doesn’t really know the meaning of the word, shout the word socialism at the top of your lungs. Come on, get it over with because, whatever the untutored may think, the subject of this post has nothing whatsoever to do with that awful word. Anyone thinking that national healthcare is somehow […]

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Ripping Off the Geezers

December 18, 2008

Once again lobbyists for the health insurance industry have gotten their way. It is impossible to miss or ignore all of the commercials on television touting the Medicare plus plans. They go by many different names but are basically plans that claim to offer seniors more services than traditional Medicare plans. They usually offer some […]

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Bury Reagan

December 15, 2008

Many will consider this post sacrilegious. They are merely the deluded, the Kool-Aid drinkers. Reaganism has become a religion. Let me be the bearer of bad news. Reagan is dead. Every Republican candidate for president in the recent campaign tried to outdo his rivals in their claims to the mantle of St. Ronny. Now congressmen […]

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The Worst is Yet to Come

November 5, 2008

We’ve been sitting around stunned by the financial crisis. What to do? We don’t trust the experts, and rightly so. They lurch from one answer to another. There is little confidence that they are doing anything more than thrashing around, grasping at straws. Actually, since their starting point is their religious belief in a simplistic […]

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Joe, the Wannabe Plumber

October 18, 2008

On David Letterman’s show Thursday night John McCain apologized to Joe the Plumber for destroying his privacy. That was nice. Out on the campaign trail the next day John McCain (yes, the very same one) went on a rant about how terrible it was that Barack Obama had violated Joe’s privacy. That wasn’t nice. Then […]

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Stupidity Times Timidity

October 1, 2008

The Senate is scheduled to vote today on a slightly modified version of the bailout bill. They now prefer it to be called a rescue bill, as though that made it better or more honest. All of those calls Congress has been receiving are against bailing out Wall Street but favor rescuing Main Street. It […]

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Responding to the Financial 9-11

September 22, 2008

Did we learn anything from 9-11? Apparently not. Here we are in a financial 9-11 and everyone in Washington is reacting the same way. Is it possible that future candidates will wish they had refused to join the herd? Will they say that they voted for it but now are against it? All of a […]

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