

March 18, 2019

t’s easy to say that any of the Democratic candidates would be better than Trump. Off the top of my head, I would say that Mike Pence may be the only person who could possibly be worse. That doesn’t solve the problem though. What specific goal do we want and what criteria do we apply.

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Trump vs Ameica

February 17, 2019

rump is trying to usurp, and essentially eliminate, the Congress. Though logic is not in his vocabulary, the next logical step would be for him to treat the Supreme Court with similar ignorance and contempt.

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February 1, 2019

he Justice Department has a ‘rule’ that presidents cannot be indicted. Really? It’s not a law. It’s not in the Constitution. Since all attorneys general are appointed by presidents, is it possible that little fact provides us clue as to why this ‘rule’ just appeared without any legislative history or legal foundation?

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The Artlessness of Trump’s Deal

January 18, 2019

ot just the federal employees but the entire country got Trumped. Look at what’s happening. Really look. Is this the way one makes a deal? Judge for yourself.

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A Better Wall

January 13, 2019

onespur Trump can’t seem to be successful at anything except cons. With my usual flare for being of help to those unfortunates with genetic mental deficiencies, I offer a couple of suggestions for his “White Supremacist Wall.”

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Let Trump Have His Wall

December 24, 2018

hy is there any argument? Without question, Trump deserves to be behind walls. Hollywood is no longer using the prison that stood in for Shawshank. The are many suitable alternatives, Alcatraz comes to mind. I think the Fake President would feel more comfortable in one that had stared in a movie. Pretend is a major […]

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Blinded By Obamacare

December 22, 2018

ittle Donald was livid at being the butt of jokes by Obama and Seth Myers at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner. Blinded by Obamacare, he is determined to dismantle Obama’s accomplishments.

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Who’s Caravan Is This Caravan?

October 23, 2018

is Majesty Cadet Bone Spur recently asked, “Whose boat is this boat?” I was prompted to ask, “Whose Caravan is this Caravan?”

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Businessman Screws Up Government – Again

October 10, 2018

his is the season for those simpleminded but ambitious businessmen to squander lots of money thinking the presidency or a governorship or congress is an entry-level job. They actually are so full of themselves that they can’t tell the difference between the skill sets required by business and government.

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Forget Dr. Ford

September 27, 2018

ou may know it as a temper tantrum. Down here we call it a ‘hissy fit.’ Is this the temperament of a Justice of the Supreme Court,  even of a night court judge in a one-horse town?

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