
Presidential Hats

October 8, 2016

              . . .

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Totally Lacking Judgment

September 16, 2016

ow obvious can Donald Trump’s lack of judgment can be? Total. For years he has famously led the tin hats of the conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Kenya. His reluctance to admit that his claims were a fraud were understandable. It has been the ‘red meat’ that was the appeal to the racists […]

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Trump: The Dangerous Clown

September 14, 2016

ow best to describe Donald Trump? A more naive Neville Chamberlain? A deluded man-child with too much money? A symbol of national lunacy? The result of the plutocracy win? Republican diaper rash from refusal to clean up their act? Why would you not want to vote for Donald Trump? Keith Olbermann is back, (on GQ’s […]

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Spotting Trends

June 11, 2016

 hile we are all laughing at or crying about the political circus of this electoral cycle, significant changes are taking place. So, what’s new? After all, changes got us to this point. Those wishing to deny change began to change things a few years back. If I have to pick a starting point, Barry Goldwater’s […]

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Wall Street Walkers

June 8, 2016

he Democratic National Committee (DNC) is home to the world’s most expensive prostitutes. Its members get the treats for turning tricks but you and I are the ones that are paying for it. Below is an article by Bill Moyers and Michael Winship. Neither they nor I wish to see Trump in the Oval Office, […]

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Much Smarter

June 6, 2016

ook in the mirror. If you are wearing a Trump or Clinton t-shirt, button or hat, or if you’re smiling when contemplating our global image, or if you think this is a Christian nation, STOP. This article isn’t about you. Despite the fact that millions upon millions of people have such abysmally low standards (and/or […]

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Trump Is Unfathomably Ignorant

May 7, 2016

rump, despite his braggadocio, is not a successful businessman. He has mastered the media. That is not the same. He is simply a showman whose taste runs to the gaudy and whose social skills are more appropriate to the sandbox. Denizens of Wall Street estimate that his personal wealth would have been just as high […]

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Burning Bridges

April 7, 2016

ew politicians have the skills of Bill Clinton. Hillary is not one of them. She often seems stiff, programmed or shrill. Now, Ms. Inevitable seems to be panicking. Most of her insults and lies have been artfully crafted. Now they reek of frustration and are coming with greater frequency. It is to the point that she […]

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Crude Ted

March 21, 2013

hat have we done to merit this abomination? That raucous noise coming out of the District of late is from what appears to be the latest Joe McCarthy wannabe. Calling those with whom you disagree communist and such will earn you that distinctive reputation. Teddy Cruz is the new senator from Texas. That explains a […]

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Over The Top

March 9, 2012

had just turned 50 and was standing in the checkout line at some store. Among the items they were trying to give a last-minute impulse push were a few greeting cards. One of the cards seemed targeted particularly to me. It was a birthday card. It said that once you were over the hill you […]

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