wall street

Over The Top

March 9, 2012

had just turned 50 and was standing in the checkout line at some store. Among the items they were trying to give a last-minute impulse push were a few greeting cards. One of the cards seemed targeted particularly to me. It was a birthday card. It said that once you were over the hill you […]

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February 18, 2012

ou probably think that the most appropriate symbol for America is the flag, the bald eagle. the Liberty Bell or the greenback. Wrong. That’s America’s symbol, right there. The contented cow. It exhibits itself as contentedness but I suspect it is based largely on complacency and the laziness engendered to a great extend by the automobile, […]

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You Are The Enemy

January 29, 2012

es, you. You are the enemy. Actually, it’s not you. It’s nothing personal. It’s your attempts to exercize those Constitutional rights you used to have. With me, it is personal. I was once a commissioner of police. One of my grandfathers was a sheriff; the other was a chief of police. In tracing my ancestry […]

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Be Thankful

November 9, 2011

Thanksgiving is coming, in case you forgot. It has both a positive and a negative aspect for me. Well, okay, there are two problems if you count staying on my diet. My wife and I were married the Saturday before Thanksgiving. So, I always think of our anniversary as being on Saturday. Unfortunately, the 19th […]

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Embrace Class Warfare

October 20, 2011

My occasional resort to language of a somewhat bombastic flavor may lead some to believe that I generally take an aggressive stance on practically every issue. That’s not necessarily so, but in the matter of class war, I am a super hawk. Oh, am I not being divisive? No. It’s several generations too late for […]

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The Solution

July 15, 2011

Eureka! There; I said it. While everyone else is looking at pieces of the problem, I found the crux. Therein, I also found the solution. The only catch is that our leaders have not the intelligence, inclination or interest in fixing it.

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Worry Not

July 14, 2011

Yes, I’m back from vacation. I know. You didn’t even realize I was gone. Well, it wasn’t really a vacation. It was 9 days at Fall Creek Falls State Park with about 70 of my wife’s relatives. No it wasn’t as bad as it sounds. Actually there is a little good came about while I […]

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Wrong Again

June 28, 2011

Oh, how I wish this were the knockout blow. Sorry, it’s not. Nothing will ever get through the thick skulls of the ideologues. How many times must I tell you? Ideologies are oversimplifications by the intellectually constipated that appeal to the intellectually lazy and are usually wrong? Harsh? Hardly. Regrettably, my vocabulary is inadequate to […]

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The Book Of Jobs

June 11, 2011

Maybe not you, maybe not me, but tens of millions of people need jobs. It’s not just them that suffer from the lack of a job. Most have families. It isn’t even limited to them. It affects the entire economy. That means it affects you and me. Foreclosures mean the Great Recession lasts longer. More […]

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The Untouchables

February 21, 2011

I went to search for some images of the untouchables of India.What appeared was almost entirely from the television show and the movie loosely based on Eliot Ness and his homies. Is it possible we aren’t all that aware of the rest of the world? The word untouchables is applied to the crew of Ness […]

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