wall street

Left Out

January 4, 2011

I have been so otherwise engaged these past few weeks that much of my usual reading has been thrown in a pile. I watched an interview this morning with Chrystia Freeland. It concerned her newest article in The Atlantic. I will get to it. That is one of the magazines in my pile. According to […]

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Business Unusual

October 27, 2010

Here I offer you yet another one of my pet peeves. I seem to have a very full treasure trove of them but this ranks high on the list. Government should be run as a business, so they say. One of the problems is that they are so ignorant of government, and possibly of business […]

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Class Warfare

October 15, 2010

Yes, class warfare has been waged against those of the middle class and the poor for decades. No, the middle class and poor have not been fighting back, at least not yet. I am suggesting a new and different strategy for at least the first significant counterattack. The plutocrats have handed us the weapon we […]

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Big Is Big

September 8, 2010

ome people are reticent to fully accept the need for big government. That is understandable. Americans have been force-fed a diet of propaganda for small government for generations. That message was ramped up in the Goldwater campaign. Other than retaining a presence in our psyche, it just hibernated there until the advent of St. Ronny. […]

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Better Late Than Never

August 1, 2010

Is it a miracle or just a coincidence? In my last article I made mention of David Stockman. The very next day he shows up with an Op-Ed piece in the New York Times. For any of you who either were not old enough or not interested enough to pay attention at the time, David […]

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Lie To Me

July 30, 2010

Believe. Regardless of what the facts are, believe. Have you heard about the Democratic tax increase? Or, maybe they called it the Obama tax increase. What, exactly, are they talking about? They are talking about George W. Bush’s tax increase. Bush’s? How can that be?

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Do It Yourself

July 1, 2010

No. I’m not talking about a do-it-yourself lobotomy. I am, however, speaking of something with about the same level of difficulty – taking control of the government away from the oligarchs, the career politicians and the corporations. That seems like a nice little project to keep us busy for a few weeks. Am I a committed […]

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Give Me Your Money

June 14, 2010

I promise not to make you wealthy. How many people are willing to tell you that? The subject is stupidity. So, let’s get started with a couple of quotations. It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who […]

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May 18, 2010

No. I didn’t forget how to spell capitalism. It’s just that all economies outside of Somalia involve the government. They do so in a variety of ways, with a variety of outcomes. Jon Stewart recently had a guest on the Daily Show. I like Jon but he was taken in by a shill for Wall […]

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Danger, Will Robinson

May 10, 2010

Did you know that Dr. Zachary Smith was actually a Wall Street banker? If not, he certainly shared the same mores. Recently, an email was published that showed just want these “Masters of the Universe” think of those putting their financial futures in the hands of these touts. I find it hard to believe anyone […]

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