wall street

Take My Hand

November 3, 2009

Please don’t be offended by the graphic. I am just offering to lead you through a little bit of a jungle where even the self-proclaimed Tarzans are lost. There are many others out there that insist you put your trust in them. They are dangerous in their hubris. They are either economists or other putative […]

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Clean The House

September 21, 2009

President Obama is a politician. He is a Constitutional expert but, by and large, he is a generalist. Being a Constitutional scholar comes in handy in the Congress and on the Supreme Court. It’s not necessarily a bad thing in the Oval Office but being a generalist can be a positive. It can also bring […]

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A Closer Look

September 1, 2009

Aren’t you somewhat bewildered when you hear the story of Esau selling his birthright for a bowl of porridge? How could he be so stupid? How could he trade away his inheritance, his special place, for a bowl of soup? He isn’t the first one. He won’t be the last. Former Senator Bill Bradley caught […]

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It’s Time

July 30, 2009

It’s been more than two weeks. Both e-mail and telephone contacts have failed to elicit any response. So far, my offers to debate my congressman during the August recess have gone unanswered. It’s  possible you have heard the term Blue Dog Democrat. This is used to identify a group of congressmen who in the past […]

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Yes, We Have No Inflation

May 15, 2009

Okay. This hits close to home. It isn’t that hard of a hit, so far, but it is aimed at me. No. I’m not that special. It’s also aimed at you. Did you get the word? There will be no adjustment for inflation on Social Security this year. There is also the expectation that there […]

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The Class War Is Lost

March 27, 2009

Did you even notice that there was a war going on? There has been a one-sided class war going on for decades. It is now over.  The elites won decisively. It’s really quite odd. Few of the poor and middle class realized it was happening. Most of the wealthy also were unaware of the war. […]

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Odds And Ends

March 11, 2009

There are so many issues on which to comment that I can’t keep up. Each one deserves at least a book, as an antidote to all of the nonsense clogging up the airwaves, cable, the Internet and the dead tree media. Note: I have a special video treat for everyone staying to the end of […]

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The Dow-Jones Illusion

March 3, 2009

All bubbles will burst but debt will remain. People are prone to believing the illusion that the Dow-Jones numbers are a measure of wealth. Were you wealthy when the Dow was over 14,000? Has your wealth vanished? No and no. Your wealth hasn’t changed. Only the illusion that you were wealthy has disappeared.

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Decisions, Decisions

February 23, 2009

Actually, we don’t have a choice to make. It has been made for us and was never in question. We are going to save the bankers. Why? Because the bankers in government think exactly like the bankers, their friends, who are not in government. They all consider themselves and our banking system to be indispensable. […]

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Let Them Eat Cake

February 5, 2009

Have you watched television lately? A survey showed that the economic do-dos have received more than twice the air time on news shows as those who have advanced to at least the early 20th Century. Watching these twits I sometimes find myself laughing, until I remember how much power they have to screw up any […]

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