wall street

GOP Missed The HMS Beagle

February 2, 2009

Do something. If it doesn’t work, do something else. No idea is too crazy. Jim Hightower There are social conservatives. There are national security conservatives. There are fiscal conservatives. There are ideologues who call themselves conservative but are really either lemmings or traitors. For those who might not remember everything they learned in their ninth-grade […]

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Wall Street Is Dissing You

January 13, 2009

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. – Samuel Johnson Saving America is decidedly not a priority of Wall Street. That sentence has an intentional ambiguity. America is widely famous for having the lowest savings rate in the developed world. Why? The reason is shoved in our face with some regularity. The problem is […]

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Get Rich, Not

December 30, 2008

So, you want to get rich. Surprise, surprise. The question is how do you get there. How much are you willing to gamble on your retirement? Everything? Half of everything? How lucky do you feel putting your children’s college funds at risk? Come on now. Be honest. How do you get rich? How do you […]

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Guess Again

November 17, 2008

Are you getting a little dizzy? I think Hank Paulson was sober at his little press conference but I could be mistaken. Sober or stoned, it doesn’t really matter. He will hold another press conference as soon as he hears another ‘solution.’ The ‘Smartest Man in Washington’ has changed his mind again. Of course that […]

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Missing in Action

November 11, 2008

Strange Bedfellows. A major battle has been going on and we didn’t even realize it. And coming to the rescue is that card-carrying member of the opposition: Bloomberg News. Who woulda thunk it? Bloomberg News has filed both a request under the Freedom Of Information Act and a lawsuit against the Federal Reserve. The issue […]

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Tinkle-Down Economics

October 17, 2008

Being laid up with bronchitis isn’t pleasant. Thousands of thoughts race through my mind. Although I haven’t fully recovered, I just couldn’t wait. The absurdity of our present situation is so obvious. The lack of understanding of why it happened is not. The only thing that has relieved my misery has been laughing at the […]

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Stupidity Times Timidity

October 1, 2008

The Senate is scheduled to vote today on a slightly modified version of the bailout bill. They now prefer it to be called a rescue bill, as though that made it better or more honest. All of those calls Congress has been receiving are against bailing out Wall Street but favor rescuing Main Street. It […]

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Victory? Maybe, Maybe Not.

September 30, 2008

This may be a situation where even the winners are losers. There were plenty of losers, however. The House Republicans that voted against the bill did so for the wrong reasons. But, you take what you can get. This bill was far from what was needed. It deserved to lose. It was the result of […]

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Christmas on Wall Street

September 25, 2008

Have you heard some rumors using a figure of $700 billion? You didn’t forget Fannie and Freddie and Bear Stearns and AIG did you? That was somewhere in the neighborhood of $315 billion, even before the other number started getting all of the attention. So, let’s just round all of this off at a trillion […]

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Get Real

September 24, 2008

Well, here comes another defense of the indefensible. No. Not from me. It is the subject, the target of my post. I wish I could remember when I first found the limits, the real limits of ideology. Was it difficult? Since I did it so long ago, it probably wasn’t that deeply ingrained. I imagine […]

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