

March 5, 2013

t’s over. Most people didn’t realize there was a war. Is it really a war when only one side fights? They won while we sat around congratulating ourselves on being a part of the “Greatest Country in the World.” Just how is it the “Greatest?” One of every four prisoners in the world are in […]

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An Act of Error

October 18, 2012

veryone knows what terrorism is, right? Obviously not. I watched a couple of news shows. One has an interview with Senator John McCain. The following show had an interview with another Republican. Both are criticizing the president, subsequent to the second debate. Both are referring to the killings in Libya as acts of terrorism. Both […]

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No Love Lost

February 20, 2012

t’s true. If you mix religion and politics, you get politics. Perhaps it was only a coincidence. Perhaps it was the recent emergence of that voice of the 12th Century, Rick Santorum. Whatever is was, something spurred the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to declare war on the administration. Perhaps it was coordinated. Perhaps not. […]

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Embrace Class Warfare

October 20, 2011

My occasional resort to language of a somewhat bombastic flavor may lead some to believe that I generally take an aggressive stance on practically every issue. That’s not necessarily so, but in the matter of class war, I am a super hawk. Oh, am I not being divisive? No. It’s several generations too late for […]

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What Caused The Debt?

July 12, 2011

What caused the debt? That sounds like an easy question. Could that be the problem? One would hope that our “leaders” could get their arms around a simple question. Well, apparently we never learn. The short-bus riders on The Hill are pretending to deal with what to do about the debt. It seems logical to […]

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Help US

April 16, 2011

We all agree. Everyone thinks that the government’s primary responsibility is to help us. Well, at least some of us. The problem is that we don’t agree on who the government should help. Some say help those who need help. That’s just silly. It’s the upstanding parasitic plutocrats who will create a few more jobs […]

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From My Armchair

December 2, 2009

In a very busy schedule I devote some time and effort to a blog for which I receive no monetary remuneration. Why? I have a degree of knowledge and experience in some of these areas. My intent is to share the resulting, hard won perceptions on matters I consider important. Others have different backgrounds and […]

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Missing in Action

November 11, 2008

Strange Bedfellows. A major battle has been going on and we didn’t even realize it. And coming to the rescue is that card-carrying member of the opposition: Bloomberg News. Who woulda thunk it? Bloomberg News has filed both a request under the Freedom Of Information Act and a lawsuit against the Federal Reserve. The issue […]

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Close to You

September 15, 2008

I thought that it was one of the funniest moments ever to come out of this campaign. Speaking of Sarah Palin’s foreign policy credentials, Cindy McCain said Palin definitely had foreign policy expertise because Alaska is close to Russia. It was funny but, of course, you don’t expect any serious comments to come from the […]

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Terrorism 101

August 20, 2008

Someone commits suicide while taking 43 people with him in a Middle Eastern market. Another bomber takes the same number of people with him in a group of applicants for the police force. The media ascribes to both the term terrorist. Wrong. Someone asks why do terrorists attack innocent civilians. The definition of terrorism will […]

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